Cybertown Weekly Tasks & Points

Click on each task title to view details and mark tasks as complete. Earn points as you complete tasks. Screenshot's or it didn't happen. Turn in weekly for points.

1. Submitting a Report

Description: Completing and submitting a weekly or monthly report related to their role.

Points: 10 points per report.

2. Recruiting a New Citizen

Description: Successfully recruiting a new citizen to join the colony.

Points: 25 points per new citizen recruited.

3. Hiring a New Employee

Description: Conducting an interview and successfully hiring a new cyber-employee.

Points: 30 points per hire.

4. Attending a Scheduled Meeting

Description: Participating in scheduled meetings with the team or leadership.

Points: 5 points per meeting attended.

5. Hosting an Event

Description: Organizing and hosting an event for the colony, such as a game night or training session.

Points: 50 points per event hosted.

6. Completing a Special Project

Description: Finishing a special assignment or project, such as developing new content for the colony or updating a webpage.

Points: 40 points per project completed.

7. Helping a New Citizen Settle In

Description: Assisting a new citizen in getting acclimated to the colony, such as showing them around or helping them set up their profile.

Points: 15 points per citizen assisted.

8. Participating in a Colony-wide Activity

Description: Engaging in a colony-wide activity or challenge, such as a scavenger hunt or group quest.

Points: 10 points per activity participated.

9. Training a New Employee

Description: Providing training or mentoring to a new hire or existing employee.

Points: 20 points per training session.

10. Completing Routine Duties

Description: Completing regular tasks associated with their role, such as managing a block, moderating discussions, or updating records.

Points: 5 points per duty (daily tasks).

11. Reporting a Bug or Issue

Description: Identifying and reporting bugs, technical issues, or security concerns within the colony.

Points: 10 points per valid report.

12. Writing or Contributing to Colony Content

Description: Writing articles, guides, or other content that contributes to the colony's resources or knowledge base.

Points: 20 points per piece of content.

13. Attending Training or Workshops

Description: Attending training sessions or workshops to improve skills or knowledge.

Points: 15 points per session attended.

14. Recognizing Another Employee

Description: Nominating another employee for an award or recognition, or providing positive feedback to leadership.

Points: 10 points per recognition.

15. Volunteering for Additional Duties

Description: Taking on extra tasks or responsibilities outside of regular duties.

Points: 20 points per additional duty.

16. Resolving Conflicts or Issues

Description: Mediating and resolving conflicts between citizens or Employees.

Points: 10 points per governance activity.

17. Participating in Colony Governance

Description: Voting in colony elections or participating in governance activities.

Points: 10 points per governance activity.

18. Completing a Creative Task

Description: Contributing creatively to the colony, such as designing graphics, creating videos, or coming up with new event ideas.

Points: 30 points per creative contribution.

19. Helping Maintain Colony Infrastructure

Description: Assisting in maintaining or updating the colony’s infrastructure, such as websites, forums, or communication channels.

Points: 20 points per maintenance task.

20. Providing Technical Support

Description: Helping other citizens or employees with technical issues, such as setting up accounts or troubleshooting problems.

Points: 15 points per support instance.

21. Engaging in Outreach

Description: Reaching out to other colonies or groups to establish partnerships or collaborations.

Points: 25 points per successful outreach.

22. Completing Monthly Goals

Description: Achieving a specific goal set by leadership, such as increasing block activity or recruiting a certain number of citizens.

Points: 50 points per goal achieved.

23. Managing a Block or Neighborhood

Description: Successfully managing the activities and growth of a block or neighborhood.

Points: 30 points per week of successful management.

24. Reporting and Analyzing Data

Description: Collecting and analyzing data relevant to the colony’s performance or growth, and presenting it in a report.

Points: 20 points per report.

25. Active Participation in Discussions

Description: Actively participating in colony discussions or forums, contributing valuable insights or ideas.

Points: 10 points per week of active participation.

Total Points: 0