🕵️‍♂️ Multi-Colony Scavenger Hunt Event! 🌐

Hey Cybertown Citizen

Exciting news! 🎉 We're thrilled to propose a collaborative event that will bring our colonies together in a fun and challenging way: The Multi-Colony Scavenger Hunt! 🌍🔍

Event Overview:

How It Works:

  1. Each Colony Leader selects a random neighborhood and a random block within their colony.
  2. Post a message on the selected block's message board with a title indicating it's for the scavenger hunt event.
  3. The catch? Each post should contain only one letter of the secret word!

Winning Criteria:


Remember the classic "Drink More Ovaltine" from A Christmas Story? Let's create that level of anticipation and excitement! 🎁


We suggest running the event over a weekend to allow citizens ample time to explore and gather the letters.


Let's Do This Together! 🤝

Please let us know if you're on board with this idea and if there are any suggestions or modifications you'd like to propose. Let's make this a memorable event that showcases the unity and creativity of our great city!

Looking forward to your thoughts and contributions!

Best Regards,
Games Colony Leader